Community Connect

Becky Westmoreland is the Director of SEO at Fandom. She may or may not be half elven, but like other employees, does not like writing about herself in the third person. She also did have an Assassin's Creed themed wedding.

PEAK FAN NERD ALERT E3 2012 on the X-Play Soundstage wearing a Google shirt

Becky Westmoreland E3 2012 G4TV


Sites I've worked on SEO for have ranged from startups to large corporations (including SodaHead, G4TV, E! Online,, Vagaro, and now Fandom). I've also held the title Marketing Maven because sustainable SEO practitioners must understand how the entire site works in order to maximize the potential visibility and happiness of people who use search engines to find us. I've done community management as a cat (Assassin Felinious).

I've also become a huge D&D fan and play in 2 ongoing games and DM one-shots for different folks. I'm also a part of the new tabletop game Tales of Xadia. I'm honored to be IN a FREAKIN' Tabletop game. Buy your copy please because The Dragon Prince is an epic fandom to be a part of!

SEO Team[]

The SEO Team includes Joshua Titsworth and every single staff and community member at Fandom. We appreciate each and every one of you.


Currently addicted to Jane the Virgin because Rafael Solano (aka Justin Baldoni is indeed a sexy mf - the wiki says so!)

Rafael Solano is a sexy mf

Also a Search Nerd, this is how my partner and I announced our engagement to parents who were waiting 14 years.

Community Connect Involvement[]

I am someone who loves search and language. I have used all of our sites for years as an RPG gamer and someone who loves to know lore as well as gameplay. My personal goal is to help everyone understand what SEO is and why it's important because I care about your craft as much as you do!

OK, the above was pretty cheesy, but I'm going to have to say still true. I had a blast in 2020 and am excited to reconnect!

Becky presented "AMA about SEO" at Community Connect 2020 and will be presenting "Something" at Community Connect 2022.




Ryan Gosling SEO