Community Connect

Lucas Melo is a Community Manager at Fandom. His username is ReverieCode.


Lucas joined Fandom as a wiki editor in 2007 after finding a link to the Grand Theft Encyclopedia while browsing a Spanish Grand Theft Auto fan forum. He then fell in love with the idea of writing while collaborating with other fans of the topic, and eventually went on to explore various TV and video game wikis, becoming an admin on wikis such as the Person of Interest Wiki and creating the Spanish version of the Breaking Bad Wiki.

Beyond contributing about his favorite topics, he assisted with some early setting up of the Spanish Community Central, was a Wikia Helper in 2010, a member of Wikia Stars (the precursor to Fandom Stars) from 2014 to 2016, a member of Community Council, and a Wiki Representative from 2019 to 2024 (originally for Entertainment and later for Gaming communities).

Lucas became a Community Manager at Fandom in April 2024. In this role, he continues to provide support and be a point of contact for Gaming wikis. He is very grateful to have met wonderful people on the platform, some of whom have become close friends.

Lucas attended the 2022 and 2023 editions of Community Connect in person and will also be attending Community Connect 2024 in Phoenix.

Community Connect Gallery[]
