Community Connect

Maxforce99 is an admin on various gaming related wiki's.


I first became involved with gamepedia in 2016 after pestering the community manager at the time of a rather neiche mmorpg for a wiki. That community manager has since moved on and hopes someday I will be able to meet this awesome person in real life. I have been involved in various gaming wiki's depending on the extent of my interest in the game, latest/current one being Lost Ark. Gamepedia was acquired by Fandom in July 2018 (hence the Fandom start dating being when it was acquired).

Community Connect involvement[]

This is the first community connect I have been involved with. I'm a creator at heart (be that virtually or in real life). I thought that it would be unfair for fandom to give us soo many surprises sooo I wanted to make my own. I like to plan out my surprises and as with real life not everything goes to plan.

Original Plan[]

I wanted to make my surprises for HeyTots, Tim Quievryn, Pikushi, wagnike2 and of course Brandon Rhea but unfortunately not all could attend this community connect. I had also created a slide show just to give the context to my surprises but unfortunately was not able to show due to time constraints and also Brandon not fully trusting me (he wanted to see it, its a surprise, if he'ld seen it beforehand, it would no longer have been a surprise!!!).

Modified Plan Part 1 carried out[]

Part 1 was for Tim Quievryn, back in March 2022, Tim took part in an AMA on discord and I had remembered the following:

Tim AMA discord pic 1

Tim AMA discord pic 2

So I decide to make a Calcifer and hoped that Tim would agree to watching the 3 Miyazaki films I picked instead.

Tim Calcifer plushie

The 3 Miyazaki films that I requested for Tim to watch:

  1. My Neighbor Totoro - I could not believe Tim has not seen this film, its practically Studio Ghibli's mascot!!!
  2. Spirited Away - It won soo many awards and is a great watch!!!
  3. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind - This is my second favourite Studio Ghibli film, Tim has already seen my favourite Studio Ghibli film - Princess Mononoke.

Tim has agreed to watch them <3 !!!

Modified Plan Part 2 carried out[]

Part 2 was for Brandon Rhea. This was the part that I was building up to using part 1, I hoped that Brandon would get the hint of me "Bringing things to life" from my creation for Tim. On the slide show that I had prepared were examples of the virtual creative images I have made in the past of Brandon the Witch (YES, he is a Witch!!!) and of course the Walter in re-branded colours. This would lead up to Brandon being presented with a box containing a Walter Plushie !!!!! (in the light themed re-branded colours).

Maxforce99 community connect 2022
  • Post analysis - Unfortunately this did not have my desired effect on Brandon. I had wanted him to be horrified at the Plushie form of Walter given his "disliking" of Walter in virtual form. INSTEAD Brandon is "growing to like Walter".....


It was wonderful to meet in real life at community connect and especially MarkusRost my partner in "crimes against Brandon the Witch" *winks*



  • Yes I made those plushies by hand!!! fun fact while making Walter I was listening to "Bring me to life" by Evanescence on loop and laughing soo hard at the though of Brandon's reaction to Walter plushie!!!
  • Suspects that I won't be invited back to future community connect's as Brandon will likely veto any invitation to me!!!.